Celebrate Mother’s Day with Writing Prompts, Word Play, Picture Books
Storytime Standouts shares wordplay activities, writing prompts, printables and picture books for celebrating mom’s special day.
Here are some lovely picture books that celebrate mom. They would be perfect for a Mother’s Day storytime.

Bearcub and Mama written by Sharon Jennings and illustrated by Melanie Watt
A picture book about the relationship between mother and child, published by Kids Can Press

Rich, warm, luminous illustrations enhance the story of a young cub and his mama. As the cub grows, he gains independence and gets separated from his loving, supportive and encouraging mother. Thankfully, he remembers the lessons she taught him and returns, through a snowstorm, to their cave. When he awakens in the morning, she is right there beside him. A lovely and reassuring story, best suited for preschool children.
Bearcub and Mama at Amazon.com
Bright Red Kisses written by Teresa Toten and illustrated by Deirdre Betteridge
A picture book about Mommy getting ready for an evening out, published by Annick Press

“The air is full of tickles” and Mommy is rushing to be ready for seven o’clock. Fortunately, she has enlisted the help of her young daughter. Lotions, creams, powders, sprays and polishes help to prepare Mommy for a special night out. Beautiful language, captures the excitement and anticipation perfectly; “In the back of Mommy’s closet the fancy dresses sleep. I wake them up and shake them up. I love to watch them leap.” A delightful story to share with young children, this might be a perfect antidote for those who plead, “Please don’t go.”
Bright Red Kisses at Amazon.com
Bright Red Kisses at Amazon.ca
Quick Mother’s Day writing and language arts activities for kindergarten and early primary grades
Mother’s Day Wordplay
See how many words you can spell with the letters in “Mother” –
mother – he, hem, her, hot, me, moth, rot, the, them, Tom, to, tore
See how many synonyms you can discover for Mother
ma, mama, mom, mommy, mum
Make a list of words that rhyme
with mom
bomb, calm, come, handsome, some
with mother
another, brother, other, smother
Try one of these Mother’s Day writing prompts
We decided to cook a special breakfast for mom….
My mom never expected…
The best thing about my mom…
I remember when my mom tried…
When I was very small, my mom…
Free Mother’s Day Printables for Children – perfect for homeschool, kindergarten and classroom
As an extension activity, children will enjoy our free printable “Things You Can Learn From Mom” Wordsearch
Things You Can Learn From Mom
Interlined paper for Mother’s Day
Writing paper for kids - Mother's Day
Mother's Day theme interlined paper for beginning writers.
Writing Paper for Kids - Happy Mothers Day
Mother's Day-theme interlined writing paper for penmanship practise and story writing.
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More Picture Books to Celebrate Mother’s Day and Moms
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