Take a Look at Using Rebus Chants With New Readers
Learning to Read Fun with Rebus Chants!
Have you tried rebus chants in your early literacy programs? I present programs for 4, 5 and 6-year-old children. I use a variety of materials and have had considerable success with rebus chants. I print off multiple copies of the chants, I handcolor them using pencil crayons
, mount them on card stock
and then laminate
The rebus chants are usually poems where several words are replaced with hand-drawn pictures. They are great for emergent readers because they usually include frequently repeated, predictable text AND rhyming words. The young child does not have to decode all the words – the rebus pictures fill-in-the-blanks.
In addition to giving children the satisfaction of “reading” (both text and illustrations), the poems will also support the development of phonemic awareness.
There are many sources of rebus chants. This is one that I created for you to download for free
Whether you checkout the Canadian Rainbow Horizons Publishing website or the American website, you’ll find free teaching units and detailed information including previews of the chant books.
Once and awhile I check and see if my books are being used. I have sold copyright and no longer publish early childhood materials but it’s nice to see sites like yours! Thank you for making my day.