Storytime Fun with Bears

Storytime Fun with Bears –
Today, rather than highlighting new books or books about a particular theme, we thought we would share videos of authors and an illustrator reading their picture books featuring bears. It is terrific to see their enthusiasm and personalities shine as they share these outstanding stories and share storytime fun with bears.
We hope this will be a helpful resource for families who don’t have access to these picture books at home or at their public library.
Storytime Fun with Bears – Storytime Standouts shares bear-themed picture book readings and learning activities for children. #prek #kidlit Share on X“A Brave Bear” read by author Sean Taylor
Ask your child, “Why does Dad want Bear to do small jumps?” “Why does Bear want to do big jumps?” “What time of year is it in this story? Why do you think that?”
“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?” read by author Bill Martin
Read our post about this classic picture book.
Ask your child, “What was the color of the bird?” “What did the blue horse see?” “Can you think of words that rhyme with ‘see’?”
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? at
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? at
Michael Rosen Performs “We’re Going On a Bear Hunt”
Read our post about this terrific book for children.
Ask your child, “What noise did the family make when they moved through the mud?” “Why did the family stumble in the forest?” “What was inside the narrow, gloomy cave?” “Why won’t the family go on another bear hunt?”
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt at
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt at
“Where’s My Teddy” read by author/illustrator Jez Alborough
Ask you child, “What was Eddie’s teddy’s name?” “Who was sobbing (crying) in the forest?” “How do you think the teddies were lost in the forest?”
Where’s My Teddy? at
Where’s My Teddy? at
Free Bear-Theme Printables for home and school

We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Predictable text, rhyming and opportunities for dramatic play make the We're Going on a Bear Hunt chant a favorite with children.
The Bear Went Over the Mountain
Add actions when you sing this song

Writing paper for kids - Three Bears
Three Bears theme interlined paper for beginning writers.
Teddy Bear Interlined Paper
Teddy Bear printing paper for children

Storytime Fun with Bears
Storytime Standouts shares bear-themed printables and bear-themed picture book videos from well-loved authors.