Introducing Young Adult Fiction Author Emma Smith

It is our pleasure to introduce young adult fiction author, Emma Smith. She is the author of Fate of the Emerald Fae.
Emma hasn’t released her first book just yet but she is hoping it will be released by the end of August. It’s called Fate of the Emerald Fae. It’s a young adult fantasy novel.
Emma is a 19-year-old university student who currently lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She is planning on becoming a high school English teacher while continuing her writing. Her love of reading and writing stems from years and years of her mother reading aloud to her. Eventually, Emma read novels independently and aspired to write one herself. Featured is a photo of Emma, her boyfriend, and her dog!
You can connect with Emma on her Facebook page and on Instagram. At the present time, Emma is self-published.

Tell us about your book. Who do you think should read it? What are you most proud of?
My book should be something teenagers and even adults will want to read. It’s not necessarily just a young adult book. I’m really proud of the world and magic system I’ve created in this novel and I’m hoping it becomes a world that someone can get sucked into just like the many other worlds that other authors have created.
Thinking back to your own childhood, is there a particular author or illustrator who was a favourite? Why do you suppose that person’s work resonated with you? OR Who is your favourite author now? Why do you connect with this particular author and his/her work?
Growing up, there were so many authors that I loved to read but one that stuck with me most, like many other people, was Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. I remember being completely sucked into the series and loving it so much. To this day, I collect Harry Potter merchandise and this past November I was able to finally visit Universal Studios where the Wizarding World is! Being able to connect with characters like Hermione and Luna in the stories made the books relatable for young people and aspiring authors like myself.
When did you realize that you would be a writer? Is there a particular person who has inspired and/or supported your work along the way?
Writing has always been a hobby of mine. I’ve always loved creating worlds and new characters, it just never completely developed until the last few years or so. Teaching creative writing as well as writing as an author has always been my dream. My parents, as well as my friends, family members, and boyfriend, have always supported me so much in my dreams of becoming an author and I am so grateful to have so many people excited about my book release!
What are the biggest challenges of being an author?
The biggest challenge for me as an author has been coming up with unique ideas. Having read so many books, it can be difficult to try to create completely unique ideas from the hundreds of other novels out there in the world. Motivation to actually write has also been a struggle, as writer’s block is a very real thing!
Have any of your books been published electronically? If so, what was that process like? What sort of feedback have you had from readers?
Seeing as Fate of the Emerald Fae is being released electronically, I have an adequate amount of experience with releasing ebooks. It’s a fairly simple process through amazon and I’ve actually enjoyed the process so far. Feedback from beta readers has been good and releasing books through Amazon is a very good way to release a novel like this! Especially for new authors looking to start off small.
Fate of the Emerald Fae (Epacia Academy Book 1) at
Thank you for profiling Emma and sharing news of her soon-to-be released novel. I think it is marvelous that at such a young age Emma has fulfilled her goal of becoming a writer. Keep pursuing your dreams, Emma!