Introducing Malcolm Harris, author of The Golden Crown, a Shubby and the Mammacs Adventure
Malcolm Harris has written two books, The Golden Crown, a Shubby and the Mammacs Adventure, a junior edition of his children’s picture book and a memoir titled, A Mere Mortal.

Thinking back to your own childhood, is there a particular author or illustrator who was a favorite? Why do you suppose that person’s work resonated with you?
My parents bought me very few books, so I have no recall of any author impacting upon me at that age. My inspiration has been my daughter, now 30, who provided the idea for my first children’s picture book when she was 3 years of age.
Who is your favorite author now? Why do you connect with this particular author and his/her work?
I thoroughly enjoy reading Michael Palin’s diaries. I also read a lot of memoirs recommended on We Love Memoirs group on Facebook. Palin is both intelligent and humorous.
Twitter: @malharrisauthor
Was it difficult for you to get your first book published? What suggestions/words of encouragement do you have for aspiring authors?
Like everyone else, it took me an age to approach countless agencies. I decided on self-publication. I don’t feel that this has hindered my success such as it is, but it does mean you have a lot of self-promotion to do if you want to make your book a success.
How do you stay connected with your readers? Have you gone on book tours? Do you engage on social media or through a website?
Most of my contact comes through Facebook and my website. I belong to several Facebook groups, in particular, We Love Memoirs. This is a group of like-minded readers and authors, and touted as the friendliest group on Facebook. I was about to conduct a library talk when covid intervened.
If you weren’t an author, what sort of work do you envision yourself doing? Have you had other careers or do you have another career now?
Well, I am a retired local authority officer, so work is now hobby-based. I love photography, and publish the occasional picture through Shutterstock, having had a studio in the dim and distant past. I also worked on commercial radio and took part in several stage shows and plays. My book, A Mere Mortal, tells the story in full!

Who do you think should read The Golden Crown, a Shubby and the Mammacs Adventure? What are you most proud of?
My children’s book is aimed at infants between the ages of 2 and 4, written simply is easy to follow language and super coloured illustrations.
The original version of Shubby and the Mammacs is aimed at 4 to 7-year-olds as a night-time reader and aid to first self-reading.
Wow, am really impressed. Many thanks. Hope you get the chance to have a read.