Carolyn Hart’s Parent Ed and Professional Development Workshops about children’s books and reading are available to parent groups and professional organizations in southwest British Columbia.

Carolyn Hart is a mother of two and holds a Bachelor of Education. She is keenly interested in early literacy and the role wonderful books can and should play in childhood development. She wrote a print column about new children’s books and early literacy for ten years and she has offered inspiring parent education and professional development workshops since 2003.
Carolyn’s workshops have been enjoyed by a wide variety of audiences including: British Columbia Home School Association, British Columbia Library Association, British Columbia Primary Teachers’ Association, Richmond School District’s Learning and the Brain Conference, Sidney / Saanich Branch of the Vancouver Island Regional Library, Surrey Primary Teachers’ Association, Surrey Teachers’ Association, University of Victoria Education Students’ Association, Victoria Children’s Literature Roundtable and Worksafe B.C.’s Lunch ‘n Learn program. As well, she has given parent education workshops at Greater Vancouver preschools, kindergartens and elementary schools.
Carolyn would love to speak to your group. She is willing to travel throughout British Columbia and will gladly adopt her professional development and parent education workshops to suit your needs.
For further information about Carolyn’s professional development and parent education workshops, please send an email.
Parent Education Workshops About Children’s Books and Reading
Ready for Reading

The goal of this 60 – 90 minute workshop is to inspire participants to take an active role in preparing their young child(ren) for formal reading instruction. Outstanding picture books that support learning are featured. Attendees will discover how hearing books read aloud will help children to:
- Notice Sounds in Words (develop Phonemic Awareness)
- Recognize the Alphabet
- Understand Words, Sentences, Paragraphs and Stories
- Develop a Positive Attitude Toward Reading and Books
This workshop is often used for preschool and kindergarten parent education. It has also been adapted for use in public library settings and as a Ready, Set, Learn (pre kindergarten) presentation. It works well as part of a workplace wellness series and as a professional development workshop for early childhood educators. If requested, Certificates of Attendance are available.
Workshop attendees receive a comprehensive summary of all important content and an extensive book list featuring cover art, title, author/illustrator, ISBN codes and tags.
The workshop is available with or without a PowerPoint component. It can be combined with Winning the Reading Game to create an inspiring half-day seminar.
Example of a Typical Ready for Reading Book List
Ready for Reading Book List - Fall 2012
Winning the Reading Game
In this 75 – 90 minute hands-on workshop, participants discover how to make their own fun learning games to enjoy with young children. Household items are transformed into games that promote alphabet recognition, phonemic awareness and reading comprehension. This workshop usually results in a very relaxed and social atmosphere as participants get to have fun with glue, stickers, scissors, pencil crayons, rubber stamps and more.
Winning the Reading Game complements Ready for Reading beautifully but can also be offered as a standalone presentation. It is very well suited to a preschool or kindergarten parent education setting.
Workshop attendees will make four games during the session. As well, they receive a summary of the workshop content.
Professional Development for British Columbia Teachers
Celebrating Diversity with Children’s Picture Books
This very popular workshop has been well received at numerous conferences throughout British Columbia. Best suited to teaching and/or library professionals, this professional development presentation is ideal for conferences and pro-d environments.
Discovering children’s books that reflect our communities’ cultural, linguistic, family, gender and individual diversity can be a challenge. This workshop will introduce numerous new picture books that celebrate our diversity. As well, strategies for using these books will be explored.
This workshop includes a large selection of anti bullying picture books and ways to share them with children.
Workshop attendees receive a comprehensive guide to all important content and an extensive book list featuring cover art, title, author/illustrator, ISBN codes and tags. If requested, Certificates of Attendance are available.
Example Celebrating Diversity Book List
The workshop is available with or without a PowerPoint component.
Growing and Learning “Green”
This professional development workshop is best suited to teaching and/or library professionals. It is ideal for conferences and pro-d environments.
There are many new and exciting children’s books that help children discover ways to care for our world. This workshop will introduce a variety of new picture books that stimulate environmental awareness. As well, the workshop includes ideas for promoting a ”green” attitude with young children.
Workshop attendees receive a multi-page summary of all important content and an extensive book list featuring cover art, title, author/illustrator, ISBN codes and tags. If requested, Certificates of Attendance are available.
Supporting Social Responsibility with Great Read-Alouds

In this professional development workshop we will look at a variety of new picture books that support and encourage social responsibility. As well, we will explore ways to enhance the read-aloud experience with songs, games and activities.
Workshop attendees receive a multi-page summary of all important content and an extensive book list featuring cover art, title, author/illustrator, ISBN codes and tags. If requested, Certificates of Attendance are available.