
Thank you for visiting Storytime Standouts.
We hope you will enjoy our free early learning printables and that you will check out our posts about terrific new children’s books and how children learn to read.
We regularly add new material to the site and we are proud to say that we offer more than two hundred free printables as well as hundreds of posts about special children’s books.
We hope you will enjoy and we are especially grateful for referrals. Please let your friends and family know about the website.
Thank you and happy reading!
Carolyn Hart
Storytime Standouts- Raising Children Who Love to Read
Children’s Book Reviews and Author Profiles
We love to write about great books on Storytime Standouts. If you would like us to consider your book, please email us with details. Please note, we only review some of the books we receive. Generally speaking, we write about picture books, chapter books and young adult books that we enjoy. As well, we have a special interest in writing about anti-bullying books, picture books that promote environmental awareness and stories that reflect our diverse world.
We are committed to profiling children’s book authors and illustrators in our Beyond the Dust Jacket series. If you would like to be considered, please let us know.
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