My copy of Squeak Went the Door makes no attribution – it is printed on three pages that have been stapled together. I have had it for 30+ years.
This is a fun Halloween flannel board story I used to tell at Girl Guide and Brownie Halloween events. The felt pieces I use are very plain – I should probably add some glitter glue and trim. Predictable text and a hint of suspense make this fun for preschool and kindergarten age children.
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Squeak Went the Door
A repetitive, predictable Halloween story that is great for a felt board.
You will also be interested in our Halloween and Fall printables for preschool and kindergarten.
Squeak Went the Door
There was an old, old lady who lived all alone in the woods, and who wanted someone to come and visit her. While she waited, she spun cloth.
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
Then, one dark, dark night when the old lady was sitting spinning, she heard a knock at the door, and she said, “Come in.”
S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in came two black, black boots. They walked across the floor and then set themselves down.
The old lady thought, “Oh, how strange to see those black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
Soon the old lady heard another knock at the door, and she said, “Come in.”
S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in came two short, short legs. They ran across the floor and then set themselves down on the black, black boots.
The old lady thought, “Oh, how strange to see those short, short legs on the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
Before long the old lady heard another knock at the door, and she said, “Come in.”
S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in came a wee, wee waist. It came, bending up and down and set itself down on the short, short legs.
The old lady thought, “Oh, how strange to see that wee, wee waist on the short, short legs on the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
And while the old lady was looking, she heard another knock at the door, and she said, “Come in.”
S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in came two broad, broad shoulders. They lifted themselves across the room and set themselves down on the wee, wee waist.
And she thought, oh how strange to see the broad, broad shoulders on the wee, wee waist on the short, short legs on the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
And as she was spinning, she heard still another knock at the door, and she said, “Come in.”
S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in came two thin, thin arms and hung themselves over the broad, broad shoulders, and she thought, ” Oh, how strange to see those thin, thin arms on the broad, broad shoulders, on that wee, wee waist on the short, short legs on the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
Now the little old woman was feeling just a tiny bit nervous. However, after the next loud knock she bravely said, “Come in.” S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in came two fat, fat hands. They danced across the room and set themselves on the thin, thin arms and she thought, “Oh, how strange to see those fat, fat hands on the thin, thin arms on the broad, broad shoulders, on that wee, wee waist on the short, short legs on the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Children But still she sat (fold hands)
And still she spun, (roll hands)
And still she waited
For someone to come.
Now, the little old woman was beginning to be a little more afraid. When she heard another knock at her door, she nervously said, “Come in.” S-Q-U-E-A-K went the door and in rolled a round, round head. It set itself down on those broad, broad shoulders and she thought, “Oh, how strange to see that round, round head on the fat, fat hands on the thin, thin arms on the broad, broad shoulders, on that wee, wee waist on the short, short legs on the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
So she said, “Where did you get such black, black boots?”
“Much walking, much walking, ” it answered.
“Then where di d you get such short, short legs?”
“Much running, much running, ” was the reply.
“Where did you get such a wee, wee waist?”
“Much bending, much bending.”
“How did you get such broad, broad shoulders?”
“Much lifting, much lifting.”
“Where did you get such thin, thin arms?”
“Much carrying, much carrying.”
“Where did you get such fat, fat hands?”
“Much working, much working.”
“And where did you get such a round, round head?”
“From a pumpkin shell, a pumpkin shell.”
“What did you come for?”
“to visit YOU!!”
And that is the story of the man with the round, round head, the fat, fat hands, the thin, thin arms, the broad, broad shoulders, the wee, wee waist, the short, short legs, the black, black boots on the cold, cold floor.”
Original Source Unknown