Can I? written by Jessie Nagra and illustrated by Kurt Hershey
Generously illustrated late primary/middle-grade fiction that explores individuality, independence and acceptance published by Friesen Press
I think most parents hope their children will share (at least) some of their passions. Whether introducing kids to music, sports, books or hobbies, there is often an underlying desire to have your offspring share your enthusiasm for a band, an author, a team or an activity.
My youngest son loves team sports and we have watched him play competitive soccer, softball, basketball, volleyball and hockey. For quite some time, he played soccer and hockey concurrently. We held our breath to see what he would choose when he could no longer manage the demands of both.
Johnny’s facing a slightly different challenge. His dad eats, sleeps and breathes soccer. He is excited each and every time Johnny plays and he secretly hopes to coach the team. Ready with suggestions for improvement, Dad wears a team tracksuit and whistle to each of Johnny’s games.
Johnny’s soccer coach is loud and angry. The team is on a losing streak and the lopsided score is not helping his mood. Johnny’s not having fun either but is hesitant to tell his soccer-fan father.
“Dad….I don’t like soccer. I don’t want to play it anymore.”
Generously illustrated, with engaging illustrations and text, Can I? explores themes of independence, individuality and acceptance — especially within families. Sharing with a child or children will offer up a golden opportunity for thoughtful discussion about independence and freedom to pursue one’s interests and passions.
Available in paperback, hardcover and e-reader formats.